Orange is the colour between yellow and red on the spectrum of visible light. In traditional color theory, orange is a secondary color produced by combining the two primary colors, red and yellow.Orange creates feelings of freshness, excitement and warmth. It is connected to nature and changing seasons. Because orange has high energy and increases competitiveness, many sports teams choose orange for their branding. Orange also warns of danger and is used on safety equipment. The colour of the month was organized on 24th November in all SKIPS centers. All centers were decorated in orange streamers and craft work. The vibrant orange colour brought a wave of happiness and joy. All Samites were engaged in various craft activities related to the colour orange. Children enjoyed mixing yellow and red colour to make the colour orange. Samites together with their teachers sang the orange colour song. Children were encouraged to identify orange coloured things that they see in daily life. All Samites and staff were dressed in orange coloured dress which added vibrancy and energy to the celebration.
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